The Sins, a captivating series of spirits, bottled through collaboration between Distilia and Robert Bauer. Prepare to indulge in Armagnac Garreau 1967, the debut bottle from this exceptional collection. You can get it now through PREORDER. Official release date is 30.04.2024.
Sinful collaboration
Robert Bauer, from the independent bottler Grape of The Art, started exploring spirits in 2011, focusing initially on Single Malt Whisky. He gained experience by visiting distilleries, trying hundreds of whiskies, and sharing his reviews on his blog, Whisky Digest. Recently, he’s developed a passion for R(h)um and Brandy, especially bold, cask-strength Armagnac.
As you may know, our Distilia has garnered awards and high ratings for many bottlings, so we decided to join forces and create something together.
Lust is one of the seven deadly sins and is the first in The Sins series. Bottled under the watchful eye of Distilia, and curated by the discerning palate of Rob Bauer, this Armagnac has undergone a maturation process spanning 56 years in Gascon oak barrels. Initially nurtured in a wet cellar, it found its home in a dry cellar from 2016 onwards, where it further developed its complexity and character. Marked with the distinction of cask number 11, this spirit boasts a strength of 46.5%, presenting itself as a true representation of its origin. Limited to just 168 bottles, each embodying the essence of a single cask and bearing the full intensity of its cask strength, this Armagnac invites discerning connoisseurs to indulge in a journey of unparalleled flavor and sophistication.
Château Garreau
Château Garreau is a family-owned business located in the heart of Bas-Armagnac. Since 1919, it has been producing high-quality Armagnac using its own vineyards and old distilleries. Their range includes various distillates, including rare vintages dating back to 1982.
So don’t wait, reach for our bottle now!
Fighting lust is best when it’s contained in a bottle, bringing joy to the collector’s eyes and enriching the value of their rare bottle collection.
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